Thursday, June 30, 2011

In the World: Yes. Of the World: Never!

I can honestly say that this week has been the most exhausting of all, so far.  I ALMOST stayed home from ministry several times, because I didn’t think my body would be able to withstand the pressures, both physically and mentally.  But, this week was also one of the most rewarding.  We did prostitute ministry 3 different times this week.  I’d like to share a story of how the Lord used ME…
On Saturday, June 25, we had planned to go out at 8:00 pm for prostitute ministry.  Unfortunately, two of our girls were rushed to the hospital, and we didn’t know if we would be able to go anymore.  The rest of our team spent quite a long time in prayer, and really felt that we needed to go out that night, despite the lateness.  Each time we do prostitute ministry, there is a very distinct darkness that we can literally feel.  This time, though, there was a different feeling.  I knew that something was going to happen that night, and that it was critical that I go.  I prayed and prayed and prayed for courage in whatever the Lord was leading me into, and then, ran full force into that darkness.
The first bar we came to, we were unable to get inside.  So, we walked next door and prayed for someone.  At that very moment, several police trucks came rolling in and raided the bar that we had literally JUST tried to enter.  We realized that none of us had proof that we were 18 years old, and that the LORD protected us from that raid.  (This actually happened twice that night!!!)  Anyways, this was the second time that we had gone out to do prostitute ministry, and we had already met several people the first time.  Because we had gone out at a later time, there were many women that were already “working”… But, God had a plan for that.  We came across a man named Oscar, whom my group had met the last time.  This man speaks English very well, and quickly asked our ministry contact to talk to him about God.  He was frantically asking questions about God, but nothing our contact spoke to him seemed to get through.  I was eavesdropping on the conversation and I had a huge urge to just talk to him.  Oscar talked about how he felt that God didn’t love him, and at that point I just couldn’t stay quiet.  I opened my mouth and words came flooding.  I shared a part of my testimony and Oscar really seemed to relate to me.  He admitted that he was drunk at that moment (as if we couldn’t already tell) and that he was drunk 6 out of 7 days each week.  He lived in the bar because he was homeless, but he was hungry for the love of the Father.  I told him that God DOES love him and I was able to pray over him (in my own language that he could understand!!! – Big blessing)… Oscar had a huge potential to be a violent man that night… He was drunk… He was frustrated… and He was angry.  But, fear left me.  The Lord granted me the courage that I had prayed for.
Typically we bring flowers for the prostitutes… But that night we had baked some cookies.  It was another big blessing because that night we talked to more men than we did women!  And what man wants a flower? Haha It was an eye-opener to see that the “prostitute ministry” is a two way street: men and women need to be ministered to.
We spoke to many different men that night, and we were able to bless a lot of lives.  We also met a man named Harry who KNEW that God was keeping him from getting into any of the clubs or bars that night… He was just looking for a little “fun” and something prevented his entry into every place he went.  He saw us across the street, and ran over to talk to us.  He wants to transform his life, and if you could have only seen the joy on his face after realizing that he didn’t NEED to live that way… Oh wow.  It was a blessing just to be a part of that night.
We went out twice after that this week… But during the day!  Apparently a great deal of the girls live in the bars (a sign of trafficking) so we went when they weren’t “working” yet.  It was a chance to really dig into their stories and get to talk with them without the men, loud music, drugs, and alcohol.
We also saw Oscar… NOT DRUNK (yet, at least)… He was walking to the hospital because his ear had been infected and he couldn’t hear.  We prayed over him, but I didn’t get a chance to talk to him very much.  It is interesting to me, though, that his ears were giving him trouble… As he is having a hard time hearing from God.  (I’ve had the EXACT same issue on this very trip!)  I think the Lord has big plans for Oscar… Pray that he will open his heart to the words I have to say to him in future encounters, and to the love that God wants to pour all over him.
God’s using me.  He’s giving me a voice.  And he’s USING that voice for HIS glory.  I’m so blessed to be an instrument in furthering His Kingdom!!!

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